Orchids 5 - Other Orchid Species
In addition to orchids included in the other four "orchid" galleries, there are many other interesting species. This gallery features some of them, including the Ghost Orchid Epipogium aphyllum, the Greater Butterfly Orchid Platanthera chlorantha, the Musk Orchid Herminium monorchis and
representative Helleborines. The common name Helleborine is applied to orchids belonging to two distinct genera Cephalanthera and Epipactis.
Photographs of the Greater Butterfly Orchid were taken over two mornings, the first depending on a brief pause in heavy rain. The development of two nicely robust plants in different parts of an ancient wood was followed for a month so as to capture them with freshly opened flowers.
representative Helleborines. The common name Helleborine is applied to orchids belonging to two distinct genera Cephalanthera and Epipactis.
Photographs of the Greater Butterfly Orchid were taken over two mornings, the first depending on a brief pause in heavy rain. The development of two nicely robust plants in different parts of an ancient wood was followed for a month so as to capture them with freshly opened flowers.